PTA Board Elections Nominations!!

We had another great meeting on Tuesday night! Thank you all who made it out! I will be sending out a summary soon so all of you who couldn’t make it!

One thing I wanted to send out real quick is about our election process, which the first part was wrapped up on Tuesday night! For those of you who don’t know we start our election process in January. In discussing how we run our elections with our members who were interested in serving I got an amazing review on how it all works. We have been very fortunate for the last 3 years to not have a lot of open positions because we all just kept going! Starting in January the President starts collecting “Consents to Serve” from anyone interested in any of our open positions. We do this in February and March also. In March we elect our Nomination Committee, who then takes the consents and discusses them confidentially. They check for eligibility and have the option to interview each person or seek out other people for the positions. In April, they announce their slate of nominees. That committee is then disbanded. At our May meeting the slate is then voted on by membership for approval. People who have put in their consents to serve but were not selected by the nomination committee can run from the floor. At that point, the election process would stop and we vote on that position boy secret ballot before finishing the rest of the election.

We have been very lucky to have quite a bit of interest in our open positions! The last 4 years and the people I have worked with till now have been amazing so I can’t wait to see what the next couple years bring us!

Keep filling up those seats at meetings guys! Our next one is April 4th at 6:30 at the Center Grange library! Mark your calendars now!


Jenn Checketts

CV PTA President