November Meeting Notes – 11/8/22

Thank you to everyone that made it out to the PTA November meeting! It’s always a great time! For those that couldn’t make it, here are some highlights…

💙 During our October meeting I asked everyone in person and through my posts and emails to consider stepping up into leadership roles in our organization. I have done this many times before with little to no response. I am happy to say they I have had wonderful people reach out with a lot of questions and some interest in serving. We filled almost all of our open committee chair positions at that time and I was very excited to have a few people interested in board positions. Please keep the questions coming if you have ever thought about serving in a bigger capacity. The interest is exciting, but we need people to actually be ready to give their Consent to Serve once the process starts in January.

⭐️ I was very happy to introduce our new VP2, Caitlyn Bickerstaff. I can’t wait to see the fresh views she will bring to the board and to see how the PTA will grow with her. She has a first grader currently, will have a kindergartner next school year along with a 2 yr old so she will be around for awhile. She is very excited to start working with myself, Laura and the rest of the board in hopes of moving into the president position for the next school year. AGAIN, myself and Caitlyn ask you to consider being a part of this team. It’s a great time to step on board… literally…. 🤣😂🤣…. It’s late…. Excuse my bad jokes.

💙 We have added a new committee for a new event. This will be the first year we host a Fifth Grade Send Off. Ashley Boulding volunteered to head this up at our meeting, but we would love to have a group of people to help. If you are interested please reach out and I will get you in touch with Ashley.

⭐️ Our Center Grange book fair was a success as always. Todd Lanes Fair is coming up on November 14th-17th. These book fairs help to stock up not only the kids with books but the teachers and school libraries. Thank you to Tracey Beede and all of the volunteers that it takes to pull this off! If you have any questions regarding the Todd Lane Book Fair reach out to Tracey.

💙 Our Membership contest has ended with Mrs. Ball winning at Center Grange and Mrs. Latshaw winning at Todd Lane. Just because the contest is over doesn’t mean membership is! We accept membership all year long! Remember that a portion of your membership dues go directly back to the students! Send your membership forms in today 😍

⭐️ Purse Bash planning is at full speed. If you are able to donate anything to help with this event please reach out to myself, Jennifer Martin, Shannon Bible Gaul, Stephanie Tourney, Lisa Lindner, Rebecca Haugh or Caitlyn Bickerstaff. We are taking donations of new designer purses, monetary donations to purchase designer purses, auction baskets and gently used purses. Purse Bash tickets will go on sale November 29th! So plan your groups now and be ready to get yours. There will be a limited number sold.

We need at least 20 volunteers for this event. If you are interested in helping please reach out to me here or at [email protected]. You can help that day and still have fun playing the games! Let me know if you can help for a couple hours or the whole day! Any amount of time is a help.

🎅🏻 Now it’s time to talk Holidays!!!

Our North Pole is our original PTA event! Kay Taddeo is our chair person and she does an amazing job of pulling together a lot of fun activities for the kiddos! The kids can make ornaments, get their faces painted and have their picture taken with Santa! Don’t forget to purchase some candy grams or Purse Bash tickets at the PTA table!

The North Pole will be December 3rd, from 10-2. Flyers will go home soon.

Volunteers needed for North Pole! Please let me know if you can help and I will get your info to Kay! 😍

🎄 Starting December 5th the kids will have a chance to shop for all their family and friends at Santa’s Workshop! Ashley Boulding has everything ready to go to make sure this is a great time for every student! Papers will be going home for this also. It takes a lot of volunteers to make this a success for the kiddos so please sign up for whatever you can. Reach out at [email protected] if you want to help and have any questions.

🎅🏻 Our decorating committee committee needs some help to get both schools decorated on November 23rd starting as soon as school is dismissed around 1:00. If you are available for any amount of time please comment here or reach out to Caitlyn Bickerstaff [email protected] or Lisa Lindner [email protected]

I am sure I am missing some things but that’s the round up for now! Lots of exciting things coming up. If you have any questions please reach out to me here or my email [email protected]

Thank you all so much for your constant support!

Jenn Checketts
CV PTA President