Hello everyone!
This is a message from Brittany Hill, the wife of one of our SROs, which she posted on facebook. She is asking for friendly support tonight at the board meeting from the district’s parents to show the school board how much we appreciate our School Resource Officers in the schools. The PTA is not allowed to voice an opinion, but we always support parents speaking up for what they need for their kids. Hope you can make it!
“Calling Out to my Central Valley School District families for support,
Our Center Twp. Police Dept. has built an incredible SRO (School Resource Officer) Program by now having three wonderful officers full time in each of our buildings, we are hoping to continue this program for many years to come. We are asking for your support to attend the school board meeting [tonight] January 10, 2024 at 7pm in the High School Cafeteria. We want a peaceful and respectful presence to show our support for this amazing program that not only provides so much safety for our children, teachers, faculty and administrators but it builds [rapport] and relationships that will last a lifetime.
As a parent of students in the district it brings me so much peace daily when my children leave for school that I know they are safe, protected and truly cared about!
Let’s come out tomorrow and band together to show how much this program means to us and we want it to last forever!!
Please share this! We would love to see a huge turn out including students!
We are CV!” – Brittany Hill
Emily Onufrak
CV PTA Membership Chair