PTA Meeting Notes 9/13

Here is a summary of the information we shared at our first PTA meeting on Monday, September 13th.

๐Ÿ˜€ We introduced our 2021-2022 Executive Board. Our board are the volunteers who do the day to day work of the PTA in order to accomplish our mission statement of making every childโ€™s potential a reality by empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. These parents put in hours a week to make our school year a success but we couldnโ€™t do any of it with our members also! If you have any interest in helping in anyway with the Your PTA please let us know! Even if a board position interests you! Our board serves three year terms and a lot of us are on our second year.

๐Ÿ’™ We are happy to finally share our new website with everyone. will have all of our information if you have any questions. This site is new so if you do check it out we would love any feedback you might have.

๐Ÿ’ฐ Our new treasurer, Rebecca Haugh, has revamped how we present our monthly financial report in order to show everyone exactly how every dollar is spent. She also presented an updated budget for this year that will be voted on at our next meeting in October. If you would like a copy of the financial report or budget or have any questions please reach out to her at [email protected]

๐Ÿ’™ Our Vice-President, Laura Crawley, went over our committees. Our committees and their members help organize all the activities that we do. All of the openings were in the previous post. Again, even if we donโ€™t see there is an opening, if you have an interest in something let us know. We will always accept any help.

๐Ÿ’™ Our first secretary, Tracey Beede, went over our teacher funding requests. We have allotted money in our budget for things the teachers can ask for that will help make their classrooms and experience of all their students better. We approved a request from Mrs. Javens, a first grade teacher, for a reading program. And are currently working with the kindergarten teachers on another request.
Tracey also ordered our kindergarten books that we give the students every year. The shipping is slow this year but they will be distributed as soon as they are in.

๐Ÿ’™ Our second secretary, Rachel Schwer, went over upcoming important dates.

7-22 Spirit Wear sale
23- Todd Lane open house
30- CG open house

4-20 J&J Hoagies
11- PTA Meeting Todd Lane 6:30
20-Spirit Wear P/U at Center Grange 6-7:30
23- Trunk or Treat at the Middle School 5-8
25- Purse Bash tickets go on sale
29- Halloween parties

๐Ÿ’™ Our membership chair, Rifqa Baxa, went over how our membership drive is going. We have 189 members so far. Our goal is to reach 300! So get those memberships in! The whole family can join! The classrooms at each school with the most members will win a prize!
Last year we had 241 members! Which beat the year before, which was amazing considering the situation we were in. A lot of PTAโ€™s were inactive last year but with the help of all of you, that wasnโ€™t the case for us! We have the best members!!!๐Ÿ’™
PTA shirts are on sale now! The design is awesome! If you havenโ€™t seen the flyer itโ€™s the cover picture for this page.
If you have any questions on membership, clearances or the PTA shirts, reach out to Rifqa at [email protected]

๐Ÿ’™ The principals were not present, but Mrs. Kosanovich did want us to let our members know that they are so glad to have us back in the schools this year! Our volunteers have already been such a help and she is looking forward to see what the rest of the year has in store!

๐Ÿ“– Our celebrity reader chair, Dana Catherine Bauer went over her program. Celebrity reader allows parents or family members to volunteer to go to the classrooms and read a story to the kids! Forms for this should go out towards the end of October into November.

๐Ÿ’™ We have a childrenโ€™s program coming to the schools soon. Tim Hartman is an interactive storyteller that used to help during our story walks at CG. He will be coming to both TL and CG in mid October.
Catherine Smith Roth will also be having more Yoga programs for the kids.

๐ŸŽƒ Becky Swogger-Jupin and Lauren Deep Grimm run our events committee. They discussed our first big community event, Trunk or Treat, which will be October 23, 5-8 at the middle school(this has recently been changed to CCBC due to such a great response). This will be a great event with a free photo booth and balloon animals for the kids and also some vendors with some fall treats that can be purchased.

๐Ÿ‘œ We also have our first in person Purse Bash fundraising event. I am heading this up with the help of my fundraising and events team. We are all really excited. It will be January 23 at Center Stage. Tickets will be $30 and ticket sales will kick off at our Trunk or Treat event and then flyers will be going home the following week. We will have lunch, a cash bar, our designer purses that will be raffled off and other raffles and games! It will be a lot of fun!

๐Ÿ’ฐ Jessica Applegarth and Jill Ann run our awesome fundraisers! They sent out a newsletter laying out our fundraising plans for the year. Always remember, we never expect you to do all of them. But with these options we hope you find a couple that you will like to do.
Right now we have our spirit wear sale going on. Orders for spirit wear need to be in the 22nd. We are using a portion of those sales to help stock up the nurses office closets.

๐Ÿซ Open houses are coming up soon! We will be sending out a flyer with things we will be collecting for the food pantry and nurses closets.

๐Ÿ’™ Our BoxTops promotion is now all digital through the app. Please do not send in anymore physical boxtops. If you have any questions on the program please contact Lauren at [email protected]

๐Ÿ–ผ Our Reflections program has kicked off! Please watch out for flyers in your students backpacks soon and information to be on their ipads.

๐Ÿ’™ Our next meeting will be October 11 at Todd Lane at 6:30
We hope you can all make it