Hello, everyone! Here’s the rundown of what happened this month our PTA meeting:
Central Valley PTA January Meeting Summary
o PTA elections are officially underway. The board is staying on for a second term; however, Treasurer is an open position! If anyone is interested please reach out Jess Baldwin, Katie Kubis, or Jen Martin for a Consent to Serve, which are due by the end of March.
o The PTA President position will be open for the 2025-2026 school year (elections next spring 2025). If anyone is interested please let us know, that position is required to be on the board for 6 months to be eligible.
o Kindness Week Spirit theme day flyers will be going home! (You should have received them by now.) The students are sure to have an awesome time with Josh and Gab that week!
o We will be hosting a cereal drive from March 4-7th!
o We are still looking for a committee chair for Grand Finale (Center Grange Field Day). If this position isn’t filled, we will not be able to have this event, but we will still have shirts available for purchase. Grand Finale and Event Day shirts will be sold for $5 this year.
o The Cook Book Committee will be open for the 2024-2025 school year! Please reach out if you are interested in heading that up.
o The Rosalind’s Candy fundraiser will be starting on February 1st.
o Please RSVP to the Movie Night (Fri, Feb. 2 from 6-8:30pm at Todd Lane) ASAP so the committee can plan accordingly for popcorn! Reach out to Jess Baldwin or Katie Kubis with questions.
o The next meeting is February 20th!
o There will be no March meeting. However, we will have a notary available at Rosalind Candy Pick up for anyone due on clearances! Watch for more information in your child’s folder!
Thank you,
Caitlyn Bickerstaff
CV PTA President