The CV PTA proudly announces our scholarship for the 2022 senior class. Last year, we were able to award two finalists.
This year, we have SIX scholarships to award!
1st place: $2,000
2nd place: $1,500
3rd place: $1,000
4th-6th place: $500
📍The conditions of this scholarship are all enclosed in our application found on the website – (CV GUIDANCE WEBSITE UNDER SCHOLARSHIP TAB) Please return to Jill DeWeese (Guidance Secretary) when completed.
📍Deadline is April 1st. The scholarship winners will be chosen prior to the senior award ceremony in May.
📍We invite you to pass along this information to anyone who has a senior at CV! 💙
📍Any questions, Lauren Grimm or Rachel Schwer can be here to assist!